Thursday, September 25, 2008

Finding RSS feeds

Again, the hardest part of this exercise was thinking of something to search for. As with any type of search, I found that the more specific I was, the better results I got. Since they were mainly keyword searches, I got all results where the term was used at least once, and they may or may not have had anything to do with the posts.

I did like the feature on that lets you search by zip code. I live in a small town with a weekly newspaper, and we only make the television news if something shocking or catastrophic happens, so it was nice to be able to get information as it happened. That said, the most recent post I found about my town was from the end of August, so I guess my town isn't even interesting enough for the Web.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

RSS Feeds

Okay, so the RSS feeds part of CML's Learn and Play was a little tough for me. But not necessarily because it was confusing--more so because I didn't have very many blogs to get feeds for. I don't usually read blogs in my spare time, so other than a few news-related blogs I had no idea where to look. Luckily Bloglines has some to choose from when you sign up.

I do like the idea of having all your news/information sites in one place and automatically tell you when they are updated. It's really frustrating when you go to a page expecting something to have been changed and it hasn't.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Technology: Love it or hate it

For the most part, I'm a big fan of technology. Sure there are learning curves, and sometimes a few bugs to work out, but overall I think it can make life easier. That being said, I've been having a love-hate relationship with technology lately.

I work at a retail store in addition to the library, and we just upgraded our computers which were supposed to make our lives easier, and for the most part it does. But it tends to fail at the most inopportune times. For example, I have a little handheld computer that tells me where items go, how much they cost, and how many we are supposed to have. However, if I leave it idle for too long it knocks me off the system and I have to start over. Awhile ago I was trying to make a lot of shelf labels (18 pages worth) and I got called up to the register, which left the computer idle for too long, knocking me off the system, which made me have to start over!

Luckily, CML's Learn and Play program hasn't given me such headaches. The only problem I've had so far is coming up with the time to do it, especially after the Labor Day holiday.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Flickr Exploration part 2

Today I started looking at the third party sites that use Flickr images and found one that really caught my attention. I love to travel, so when I saw Trip Planner by Yahoo I had to check it out. There's lots of cool features like plotting out your next trip and opening up your plans so others can comment on them. You can also view what other people have done when they travelled. There's lots of pictures and even a virtual map where you can mark places you've been and places you hope to go. It's a really cool site and worth checking out when you need to plan your next trip.