Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Where has this internet feature been all my life! I am constantly on the computer for one of my jobs and I occasionally find a site I want to find later. It was a pain to do it before, because I wasn't working on my home computer. Now when I do research for one of my jobs (where I occasionally work from home) I can find all the sites I need no matter where I am.

My bookmark list on my home computer was getting pretty massive when my computer crashed early this year and guess what, I lost all of them because they were just connected with that computer. Before the crash, I tried to organize the bookmarks using folders, but that just made things more complicated in the long run. Tags are soooo much easier.

I'm also writing a novel, at least I was until I got bogged down with life, and there is quite a bit of research involved. Del.icio.us would make that research a lot easier because I could weed out the less than helpful sites without much effort. The research is something I really need the internet to do since there aren't many current books on the subject, but I was afraid to use the internet before (except for online journals) because I've been taught to be weary of internet sources.

I can't wait to play around with del.icio.us at home (and get rid of that pesky bookmarked list)!

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